Syko & Buddy "Cut" New Track

Earlier today Syko & Buddy completed a brand new song entitled "Cut You Out." Though it's duo's first release with the main instrument as electric guitar, the song actually germinated from a drum beat. Elie and Angelo then set out to build a song around the intricate beat, which anchors the pre-choruses, choruses, and bridge, a seemingly daunting task that took care of itself after an hour or so of jamming. This experimentation led to what might be the group's grittiest performance to date, helped by Rizk's passion-filled lyrics and anguished singing.

Channelling his inner Jack White, Rizk explodes into one continuous, bad-ass stream of consciousness on the choruses: "look what you made of me, a melancholic mystery, I changed--I did--and it's all because of you. You know I feel you crawl around in me. My metastatic history is you, traced back from my heart up to my head. I'll cut you out." A blaring guitar solo steals the show after the final lyric and eventually trails off into the distance at the song's conclusion. As always, stay tuned for more Syko & Buddy updates as the summer progresses.